Marion’s Blog!

Hello there, and a warm welcome to the marionfsblog.

However, I must warn you that my  blog is no longer live. It is still here to be read, and I hope occasionally enjoyed, but I won’t be adding any new posts and neither you nor I can make any comments or ask questions.

I have found it very difficult making this decision. I have loved  the marionfsblog, telling my stories, sharing experiences, showing off John’s wonderful photographs. I have so enjoyed the comments from people; I have loved that occasionally someone from long ago  has found the blog and made contact.

The photographs will still be here to be enjoyed, and of course the recipes. (I still, after many, many years, field questions and comments about my recipe for Steak and Kidney Pudding made in a slow cooker!)

But as most of you know, my husband John (JF-S) died in September 2020. He was a great fan and supporter of the blog, and the supplier of wonderful photos, and – to be honest – my inspiration.

I have decided to stop before I became an old photo-less bore!

My love and very best wishes to you all


Latest News

Here is a list of the latest posts I wrote. I had been rather slow, trying to cope with the new WordPress editing system! And now, rather disappointingly, my slowness has dwindled to a complete full stop.

John’s Photos

As you will understand, photos came to an almost complete standstill after John, a wonderfully talented photographer, very sadly died on September 19th 2020. They are still there, to be enjoyed, even perhaps marvelled over!

Books, Theatre & Music

I don’t pretend to be a book reviewer but I do read a lot and sometimes like to pass on my thoughts.

Enjoying Food

Recipes and recommendations… I’ll be sharing some favourite recipes… My aim always is to achieve maximum impact with minimum effort Occasionally I might the odd review of somewhere lovely to eat