Older, but not necessarily wiser…

Daughter and MotherI am still here, which may seem surprising given the unintended silence this end, blog wise at least.If proof were needed, here is a photo of the birthday cream tea, enjoyed in the sun at Chatsworth Farm shop last Monday. 

After a certain age all birthdays are significant, not simply those ages ending in a 0 or a 5.

July 18th, my latest significant birthday was marked – amongst other things – by the final realisation that whilst I still may be very much here, my marionfsblog site had, really, actually totally disappeared.

However, two hours of long winded online ‘chat’ with first Veena and then Arun, two BlueHost technical support staff, probably not actually based in the USA, resolved the issue for me. Nothing too dreadful, I simply had not updated my WordPress site…

Once Arun had done this for me, everything sprang into action again. Want a relief, for me at least – relief with the tiniest tinge of embarrassment! We have been so preoccupied with moving in, unpacking, sorting out and settling down – plus a fair amount of socialising – that I have really neglected the basic mechanics of maintaining a website.

Older now and hopefully wiser I am fretting to spring back into action. But don’t worry, there’s no chance I’ll overdo it – I can safely promise never to flood the airwaves with posts.


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Marion Fuller-Sessions

Retired and downsized, and sadly now widowed, but keeping in touch with family and friends and friends far and wide via my blog