I am writing this aboard the Mufasa, a beautiful catamaran. She is the pride and joy of Howard and Michele who own Danforth Yachting where we are staying. Lucky people can charter her for a day or even a week or more, and we are out for the day.
The point of our outing, as well as sheer enjoyment, is for me – John has refused outright – to view underwater some of the Ciclids, for which Malawi is famous and for John to try to capture a photo of a Fish Eagle fishing. All this without meeting the elusive croc that has been sighted, or catching Bilharzia. The latter is easily cured these days, crocodile are another thing, although most people count the risk as negligible. The last one was viewed 15 years ago…
And I have survived a snorkelling episode sans any sight of a crocodile! What a triumph – I really didn’t want to cut short our holiday by any means.
We sailed out past the island opposite and have anchored so that Howard can firstly show me the right way to snorkel, complete with flotation jacket and a shirt to protect from the sun. Howard very tactfully kept close by; as he was in a black wetsuit I had to reassure myself from time to time that the black shape was indeed Howard and not the crocodile.
As I had spurned a wetsuit after twenty minutes or so I was beginning to feel a bit chilly, and I felt I had seen enough of the myriads of tiny- and some not so tiny – little fish, all electric colours of the rainbow.
Next came the fish eagle photography. Howard had a small bucket of fish, which he threw into the water and waited for the fish eagle to swoop. They make a very mournful cry, not unlike a seagull. They look quite magnificent as they circle round, waiting to swoop on the fish. To John, and Howard’s, immense delight john got some great pics, to be divulged when we return.
Back for sundowners as the sun sets and a fulwhen we l moon lights up the sky…
Photos to to be added when we return!!!