India part 4

A Dribble of News from India…

I warned of a flood of news, but there’s been almost total silence, and I am so disappointed. What’s the reason?

I could quite truthfully blame it on frequently dodgy WiFi, a time- wasting problem trying – and failing – to load any pictures, even perhaps on occasional lazy lapses. Actually, the main reason is that each day has been so full of activity, not to forget the odd lengthy WiFi-less journey, that it has been impossible to find the opportunity to write anything.

However, today is different. We had an action-packed Founders’ Day morning here in Bombay, and we’re glad to have the opportunity to relax in the (air conditioned) comfort of our hotel room for a few hours before going out for dinner tonight.

I am really longing to share some of our experiences in Kerala: Cochin/Kochi, riceboat in Alleppey, tea estate in Munaar, a homestay on an organic farm in Dewalokam followed then by a very happy stay in a holiday resort here in Maharashtra getting to know everybody. However, I’ll do that later when I can share at least a few pictures.

I want to share some thoughts, which don’t need photos to illustrate them.

I’ll start by saying that this trip to India, returning – with some serious anxiety – after 50 plus years, has been the most amazing, wonderful, truly special experience. And we have to thank our happy link with the very impressive Cathedral and John Connon School in Bombay, and the equally impressive pupils that John taught in his first ever teaching job after university and PGCE, for making it all happen. Their powers of persuasion were impressive, and their generosity humbling.

Little did we think when we first set foot in India as 25-year old newly-weds that we would be completing the circle by returning 54 years later within days of John turning 80. And it is very moving to see these pupils, many of them now retired themselves, such obviously successful, rounded, friendly and caring people.

Their persuasive and most generous invitation to join them for their 50th reunion has given us a priceless experience. It makes one realise what a wonderfully rewarding career teaching can be. You’ll never make a fortune, but you will gain wealth beyond words if you, in even a tiny way, have played a positive part in helping a young person make the most of their life. And the ‘69er’ Cathedral pupils have been warm in their appreciation of John’s short role in their lives all those years ago.

And when you see what impressive people they have turned out to be…

Published by

Marion Fuller-Sessions

Retired and downsized, and sadly now widowed, but keeping in touch with family and friends and friends far and wide via my blog