Comments on: Shiwa Ng’andu – a Snippet Sharing a personal adventure together Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:43:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: marion Wed, 01 Jul 2015 07:48:45 +0000 In reply to Martin Hofman.

Martin, hi
It was lovely to receive your lovely long email, as I sit beside the waters of Lake Malawi!! A bit more glamorous than EM airport but we only have a couple of precious days left and then we’ll be back boring you both rigid with all our big game stories (and they’re all true!). So sorry to read about Deborah’s parents. What a worry parents (speaking as one) can become! Please give them both our best wishes, and best love to you and Deborah.

By: marion Wed, 01 Jul 2015 07:44:33 +0000 In reply to chris cragg.

Thanks Chris. The whole story is so interesting from all of our perspectives, with granny and grandpa’s connections. We took photos of their photos that the G-Bs had stuck in their Visitors’ Book – even one of your aunt wrapped in a shawl in granny’s arms!!! You’ll have to take Sadie and your children there one day when they are all a bit older. Open log fires in all the rooms and an erratic hot water supply might make it tricky now. Love to you all!

By: chris cragg Mon, 29 Jun 2015 07:25:24 +0000 Fantastic read…thanks Marion

By: Martin Hofman Sun, 28 Jun 2015 16:33:59 +0000 Hi Marion and John

Through the wonders of modern technology I’m sitting outside East Midlands Parkway station waiting for Deborah’s brother to ‘hand over’ her parents. They’re coming to stay with us for a couple of weeks.

It’s also given me a chance to catch up with you and your adventures – sounds like you’re having the most wonderful time !

We’ve thought of you several times this week: the EQM awards dinner, a sign for Parwich Wakes (afraid Parwich holds considerably less appeal in your absence), and also last night listening to opera in Bonsall church with Steve and Phil which we thought you would rather have enjoyed.

Things have been rather hectic here for the last couple of weeks as Deborah’s mother was taken ill – nothing to serious – which necessitated both of us shooting off to London to provide nursing care for Janice and supervisory care for Brian. Thank heavens for the marvellous Karen and Nigel who were able to step in at a moments notice.

As I mentioned they’re on their way up here – finally after 15 years they’ve agreed to have a downstairs toilet put into their house. We thought it was better for their (and Nick the builder’s) sanity if they’re out the way.

So that’s just about all our news. We look forward to reading about more of your adventures and hope you continue to enjoy your African road trip.

Much love from us both to you both. xxx
