Back to normal? It’s hardly been back to normal, yet…

On Saturday July 10th, 1965 John and I were married in Ringmore Church – the lovely little parish church in the charming village on the South Devon coast where my parents had retired (and where, several decades later, Sara and Derek were also married).
Fifty years ago. We have been quite discreet about it, feeling rather embarrassed at how selfish we have been, going on our wonderful African trek rather than celebrating with our many friends and family. As we keep reminding ourselves and anyone who cares to listen, we did have a rather fun big celebration for our Ruby Wedding, but that was 10 years ago…

Anyway, although we kept it all very discreet, our family and several friends have remembered/discovered so the jollities continue. Ruthie came up from London for the weekend which has been lovely. Sara of course is in Australia and Nick is working (really) in the Caribbean at the moment, so neither of them could be here.
Ruthie took us to lunch at Fischer’s on the day, and since then we have not had a single meal at home, not counting breakfast. It has been fun, if somewhat overwhelming, with lots of eating and celebrating and meals out with friends. Next week we go down to London for the Golden Wedding celebrations of Tim and Mary, some very good friends, so it won’t be stopping just yet.

I remember when John’s grandparents reached this terrifying stage in their marriage we marvelled that anyone so old could still be alive. It’s funny that we have all managed to have got to this stage without any signs of advancing age and decrepitude(?).
Congratulations to both of you on your fiftieth wedding anniversary! We remember your Ruby Wedding celebrations at Orchard Farm.
So glad you opted for the trip to South Africa!
Mike and Gill
Thank you, Mike and Gill. How generous of you to approve our selfishness, remembering your quite amazing golden Wedding celebrations in Cambridge last year!
So sorry about your broken wrist, Gill – do hope it mends quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Many congratulations and best wishes for good health and happiness in the years to come!
Marilyn & Alan
Thank you, Marilyn and Alan! It does make us sound very old but we don’t feel it!