No, these are simply delicious biscuits – in fact Prize-winners as you can see – and not even particularly dainty; in spite of the name you do not need to be a bridge player, or indeed even a bridge-learner, to enjoy them…
The recipe for the so-named Bridge Dainties was given to my sister, Ruth Cragg (nee Hall) in about 1955 or 56 by the mother of one of her day girl friends. We were boarders at St Peter’s Diocesan School for Girls in Bulawayo, now Zimbabwe, then Southern Rhodesia. Ruth has never, ever played bridge, in case you’re wondering.
She had been invited out to tea with Lindsay, her day girl friend. As boarders we always were starving, and really appreciated home cooking, so needless to say we were always grateful to be invited out for tea on a Saturday.
Lindsay’s mother was so pleased that Ruth had enjoyed her biscuits that she gave her the recipe. I saw Ruth’s friend, Lindsay, at the St Peter’s reunion in August. She remembered inviting Ruth home, but had forgotten completely about this recipe of her mother’s so I have promised to send it to her, hoping she will enjoy it as much as we have done over the years.

- 6 oz butter
- 2 oz icing sugar
- 5 oz plain flour
- 3 oz custard powder
- 2 level teaspoons baking powder
- Cream the butter and sugar together until well mixed and soft. I use a food processor, or mixer, but you could do it by hand quite easily..
- Sift in the dry ingredients. Mix until everything is completely mixed in and smooth.
- Roll small pieces of the dough into walnut sized pieces. Place them - not too close together because they spread - on a baking sheet ideally lined with nonstick paper.
- Flatten each one with a fork (see the pic).
- Bake in a moderate oven (170-180°C, probably 160 if you have a fan oven) for about 20-25 minutes.
- When ready they are a yellowish colour and firmish to the touch (although having said that, you will find they crumble easily, being so short).
- They do burn quite easily, so keep an eye on them while they're cooking.
I remember Gill Evans and I making these delicious biscuits, with your recipe, for visitors to the first art exhibition of paintings by Gill, Dorothy, Janis and myself at Flaxdale. That must be about ten years ago. Our neice Alanna was also very partial to them!
Thank you, Gill! I’d forgotten all about that (although I certainly remember your art exhibitions!)
I was amazed to come across this recipe. (I googled Bridge Danties but didnt actually expect to find anything) I remember them from my childhood and helping my mum put the cross shape on with a fork. Her recipe was on a hand written card so I didn’t imagine it was actually a real recipe but I have just made them and the smell and taste took me right back to being 8 years old again. My 4 children and husband have devoured them all. Thanks for the recipe and memories.
Ana, how absolutely lovely! And isn’t Google amazing…
I am so glad you found the Bridge Dainties recipe here. I have never seen it written down anywhere else, but I have handed it on to countless friends.
My sister was given the recipe when she was a young girl (young hungry girl at boarding school in what was then Southern Rhodesia!) by the mother of a friend who had asked her out to tea.
I often make a double batch. My husband John loves them, but complains they disappear too quickly.
Do you by any chance have an African background too?
No African background. English mother and Chilean father! However at the time I think my mother found this recipe they were overseas. My father worked on some large engineering projects where they came across many international families. I can just imagine the stay at home wives sharing recipes over afternoon tea …
Yes, indeed Ana. And hungry girls at boarding school It still is one of th family”s very favourite biscuits.