I’m afraid I have some very sad news. After several months of acute pain and ill-health met with great fortitude and dignity, John slipped away very peacefully on Saturday 19th September 2020.
He had been suffering from Discitis, an infection of a disc in his spine. He received wonderful care from everyone on Elmton Ward, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, and we kept thinking and hoping he might be turning the corner, but sadly it was not to be.
I am writing this in great haste with no time to tell you more. I will later.
There’ll be a Cremation Service at Chesterfield Crematorium at 10am on Thursday 8th October 2020 to which we can invite in theory a maximum of 30 people. It means, practically, more like about 10 or 12 and no legal opportunity afterwards to celebrate together the passing of a great friend and family man.
With all the increasing Covid restrictions it is proving very difficult to arange the kind of send off we would’ve wished for John, a man who had had a very full and interesting life with very many friends, colleagues and ex-pupils.
No singing, canned music…The only compensation is that the service will be streamed so that anyone unable (or perforce uninvited) to attend will be able to watch the service. We don’t yet have the link but when we have, if anyone would like me to send it to them please send an email to fsfamily20@gmail.com
There will be a notice tomorrow, Saturday 26th September, in both the Times and the Telegraph, thanks to the Old Bramcotian Society who have submitted it on our behalf.
And I will write more later when I have more time. Meanwhile, here is goodbye from him…

That wave from John. Oh my. xxx
Debbie, yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Dear Marion, such sad news. I was talking to a friend just 2 hours ago telling her about our stay in Parwich and the wonderful evening we spent with you both. Jonathan and I are both deeply saddened to hear of Johns passing and we send our deepest condolences to you and your family.
Shelley, John was always so grateful to you and Jonathan for your valuable help and advice, which he followed, very happily. It is awful to think no more photos from him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Marion.
John was a treasure.
With love
Jenny and Derek
Thank you Jennie and Derek.such happy memories of you both and our time with all our lovely guests like you in Tom’s and Douglas’s Barns.
By the way Derek, do you know a cricket poem called something like ‘Its a glorious game’ by William Douglas-Home? We can’t find it, but would like to use it for John’s cremation on the 8th.
Marion I’m so sorry to read about Your husband my thoughts are with you
Thank you so much Adie.it is wonderful having the support of friends from childhood!
Please send me the zoom code and we will be thinking of you and John on the day. Lots ove, Charles& Ann
Certainly Charles. Love to you and Ann.
Marion- just heard the sad news of John’s passing away from Sarah – a huge loss to you and family- please accept my deepest sympathy
I know we lost touch over the years but I regarded him as a friend who I greatly respected and enjoyed his company
You were both lucky to have found each other and I’m sure there will be many Happy memories
Be strong
Thank you Brian. Happy memories abound, and great support from so many friends all making things as ‘happy’ as they can be.
Marion-just heard the sad news of John’s passing away from Sarah- a huge loss to you and family- please accept my deepest sympathy I know we lost touch over the years but I regarded John as a friend whom I greatly respected and enjoyed his company
You were both very lucky to have found
each other and I’m sure there will be many Happy memories
Be strong
Dearest Marion, what very sad news, I am so sorry, and hope you are able to have family with you at this time. I imagine, that with you at his side, and with gentle and kind care of hospital staff, John’s illness was bravely borne. Much love to you, dear friend, you are in my thoughts and prayers xx Jen.
Thank you so much Jen, friend of more years than it would be polite to say! John was incredibly brave and dignified and the staff were all superb, to him and to the family. They did their best to make a dreadful situation as easy to bear as it could be.
Oh, dear Marion. My heart is with you,
Thank you Gill, all the way from Canada. Yet another of our very special Trinity friends…
Marion So sorry to hear about your soul mate. You will be in our hearts and thoughts. Life goes by and our generation is now the old one. Much and fondest thoughts Brian B
Thank you for your kind thoughts, Brian. We all go back a long way, to our happy days at Trinity and sadly we are – despite what we may feel – the old generation.
Dear Marion, Ann and I are so sorry to hear the sad news of Johns passing. We have such fond memories of our time together at Toms Barn where his love of birds and wonderful photographs were all around. It was always fascinating to hear his stories, what a full life he lead.
Thinking of you at this sad time and sending our love.
Jeremy & Ann Bryon
Thank you Jeremy and Ann. As I hope you know we both loved your visits and getting to know you both. We’re all going to miss him so much, and also his wonderful photographs.
No words Marion…
Thinking of you and will miss his photos and candid comments…
Sending much love and hugs
Carolyn xxx
Thank you Carolyn.
Thinking of you at this sad time Marion.
Such a Gentleman .
Thank you Rob and Denise. He so enjoyed his time at Lichfield and all the friends he made there.
Dear Marion- Chris and I were very sad to hear of John’s deathand our thoughts and prayers are with all your family at this time. We will certainly be with you (in spirit ) at his funeral service on Oct 8th.Much love Paddy and Chris.
Thank you Paddy and Chris. Much love to you both.
Oh Marion, I was so sad and sorry to hear the news of John’s passing from Doreen a little earlier today. Although I never had the chance to meet him when you were in Cape Town, photos of him protrayed a kind gentleman with a love of nature. I will miss his incredible bird pictures. My heart goes out to you and all your family at this difficult Covid time. He will always be close to you and guide you. Lots of love, Sally and Ray.
Thank you Sally. I will miss him dreadfully, not to mention all his beautiful photos.
Marion so sorry to hear of the passing of John. You were both such good neighbours when you lived next door. My dad always looked forward to a visit from John and their long discussions on putting the world to rights and dare I say politics. We have some lovely photos John took which we will always treasure. Love to you and the family
Val, you and your John were great neighbours – happy days at Orchard Farm. We both loved Sam, and learnt such a lot from him. We benefited by all his ‘surplus’ bean and other plants That he used to give us, and all his gardening and life tips not to mention the hours the two of them spent talking about life and occasionally politics. And his horror many years ago when we bought a Japanese car!
I have just heard the very sad news of John’s death. The twins and I have very fond memories of you both at Bramcote and John had a great influence on them both. We know what you are going through as Richard died in May from Covid and there could only be six of us at his funeral. We are still hoping to have a Memorial Service. We will be thinking of you to-morrow. John will be missed by all who knew him.
How lovely to hear from you, and thank you for your kind comments. I am so sorry to hear about your Richard. How very sad for you that you could only have six people to his funeral. All these restrictions make an already sad and awful situation even worse.Please give my very best wishes to Dickson and Benjamin, and of course to yourself.