Moliere, surely? No? Well, perhaps one of Shakespeare’s less well known works…? No, The Hypocrite is a brand new play, albeit based loosely on the Civil War of the mid 17th century. Continue reading The Hypocrite
Tag: Theatre recommendations
The Tempest
It might seem to be rather overdoing a point during the recent appalling weather to visit The Tempest, not once, but twice… Continue reading The Tempest
Tilting at Windmills?
This is just an interim report to prove that we are still there, still breathing, just… Today, Friday 15th April all being well we complete the purchase of Crown Cottage, Winster.
Continue reading Tilting at Windmills?
Buxton Opera House
Buxton Opera House, High Sheriffs plus Parwich Ladies (and gents) – a powerful, if varied, mix…
John and I have just had the pleasure of being in the company of both groups and in the process enjoyed two, very different, aspects of the Buxton Opera House. Continue reading Buxton Opera House
Henry V Live!
Live on the screen that is…
You may remember we went to see Henry V at Stratford last month, and found it most compelling. So compelling in fact that when we had to the chance to see it again, not live but on the screen in the Showcase Cinema de Lux in Derby, we jumped at the chance.
Sadly, only about a dozen other people either knew about it, or were tempted to come, so our friends Gill and David, and John and I sat almost alone, surrounded by empty seats. Continue reading Henry V Live!
‘We Few, We Happy Few’…
Although perhaps even fewer are quite so happy after losing the rugby to Wales last night…
But, yes, John and I are happy enough to have just been to see Henry V at Stratford, having already seen Richard II, and Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 – thanks to our good friend Trevor who valiantly oversees the dramatic programme of a few fellow keen theatregoers.
Pics as always thanks to JFS although I took this apparently illegal one in the theatre as we waited for Henry. Continue reading ‘We Few, We Happy Few’…
A Peak Behind the Scenes…
It’s been a bit silent, blog-wise (which I trust does not come as a relief…).

John has been working really hard sifting through and editing all his bird pics, then making CDs for me to download for the blog. It then takes me some time (time rather than skill) loading them onto the blog and titling them all, especially when we don’t always know what the birds are called.

I am also hoping in the next day or so to write a bit more about our time at Shiwa Ng’andu, staying at ‘Africa House’. John also has some photos which I shall add to our John’s Photos gallery.